Thursday, June 7, 2012

Moving On, Forgetting, and Starting at Square One

Here's the thing about starting over: sometimes you forget to tell people that you are.  And when you do remember to check in again it's too late.  Or at the least awkward to go back and say anything along the lines of, "Oh hey, yeah, I forgot to mention that I abandoned this project to start a new one."

Okay, so that's not entirely true.  I didn't abandon my blog.  In fact, in some ways I've upgraded.  The thing is though, that I forgot to tell people that I did.  And this is me coming back and saying, "Yeah, hi, I moved my blog and I forgot to tell you about it."

It's not that I didn't want to it's just that... well, I kind of moved in a hurry.  I was trying something and the next thing I knew I was over on Wordpress already, filling out the form and transferring everything, and well, there it was.

And I'll admit that it's still a little wobbley on it's toddler feet, but overall I'm quite happy there.  Some of the links need to be fixed and it doesn't have a proper name yet, but here is the link anyway.  Work in Progress I suppose.  It probably always will be.  I just thought you should know.  Since I somehow started getting a more significant amount of hits since I switched over to Wordpress.  Funny how that works.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The List

To add to the collection of awesome moments of pausing the TV, I submit this photo.
I've come to learn that I organize my life best in lists.  There's the list of things that aren't allowed (dying being the top priority), the list of movies I need to see, songs to buy, the ever-changing to do list, and my TV watch list.

It's the TV list I've been working on today.  The TV Watch list is huge.  It includes the things I watch now, the shows I love that got cancelled, mini series, and the massive amount of shows I still need to watch (and they all keep growing!).  Today I put together a virtual version of the TV Watch list.  Granted, I haven't finished it yet, some things are still in the works, but if anyone is interested in seeing what I watch now (or rather in this past season as most shows are ending this week if they haven't already), then check it out here.  The list can also be found as a tab along the header of my blog anytime.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sometimes I Don't Know What I'm Doing with My Life

I seem to be in a blogging rut.  I spent most of the past four days lollygagging around on the internet, and this list is pretty much what I have to show for it.  Not bad though, check it out:

I've recently discovered the blog The Write Practice which is giving me all sorts of great ideas about my writing.

While I'm not really a hiker, these hiking exercises are still pretty awesome.

27 Ways to Live Intuitively.  Awesome.

This could be useful --> How to Support Friends Who Are Trying to Lose Weight.

Stop Apologizing.  Seriously.

On keeping in touch with far flung friends.

Ideas for how to be productive.

This week: Tomorrow I have jury duty.  I was actually quite excited for jury duty until a friend of mine asked if I could help out on a production he's working on in LA.  Now I'm just hoping that this is a one day event so I can high tail it down to Los Angeles.  Either way I am working on developing a pilot script for this contest and hanging out with friends.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Write What You Know

The oft' given writing advice is to write what you know.  I always feel like I've been cheated out of actual advice when I hear that.  I don't know what I know.  At least not what I know that would be worth writing about.  Rock climbing, Nancy Drew, list making.  I can write about these for a little while, but then I'm not sure where to go with them, and they're certainly not quite fiction material.

People I'm around talk a lot about stories.  How we live our life, tell our life, and learn new things through stories.  I wholeheartedly agree.  Half the reason I remember so much about architecture is because it was told to me as a story.  But when I'm in charge of the story?

It's probably terribly bad form to put what I'm about to say on the internet where future employers can find it, but I feel like part of learning and growing in my writing is admitting what I'm not good at and then trying to find a solution.  I'm terrible at creating my own plots.  I think up wonderful concepts to tell a story in, but when I sit down to write I get stuck because the characters aren't doing anything.

I can find my way out of a plot line any day of the week.  Especially in SciFi or fantasy.  Bring on the twists and I will think of a way to maneuver around them.  I love shows like Once Upon A Time and Fringe because they give me the plot and then they leave me hanging to try and figure out what I want to happen.  And I figure out a way I think the story is going to go.  The next week they show me what their solution is (Sometimes I like my solution better).

Finding plots is something I'm trying to work on.  I want to be better at this, but for now I have trouble with plot.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Finals Week

Picture only related in that the wonky angle is how I feel about my life right now.
This week is finals week.  I wound up in three writing intensive classes classes this year, and three of my classes have actual final exams.  Two of those are comprehensive.  I would say that my likelihood of leaving the apartment today is very slim.  I have a  paper yet to go and edits to be done on the second.  On top of that I am prepping for Manifest.  Which will be awesome... but more awesome once it's over.  This is my only Manifest, this is my only Manifest, this is my only Manifest.

Needless to say I wont be around much this week, and I think after Friday I will want to sleep for a week.  Good times.  Catch you on the flip side.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Falling Into Place

This week was a good week.  And a bad week.  I handed in a script that was ten pages shorter than it was supposed to be, and I went to a few classes without the homework, but this week is still a really good week.  Because everything seems to be falling into place in a way that makes me really happy.

I had a long chat with my boss/advisory about a huge range of things (including the most recent episodes of Fringe and Once Upon A Time) and I realized that I have a lot more figured out than I realized, which is really exciting.  Last weekend I signed up for another class which fills up my course load to the maximum sixteen.  I realized that I have a few options for where to live next year and none of them suck.  Then, near the end of the "meeting" she pulled my other boss in and we had my what-are-you-going-to-do-next-semester conversation.

Granted, I'm still not sure the class I registered for is the right one, and I haven't actually picked where I'm going to live next semester, but I certainly feel a lot better about my life right now.  And even though what I handed in today wasn't quite what I would have wanted, it's actually really nice to not have to worry about it anymore.  Meanwhile, I still have ten pages to write over two different papers, but I'm actually starting to look forward to next semester.

Especially with work next semester.  I was stressing out over the uncertainty of what I was going to be doing for work next semester.  Not that I was in huge fear of my job, just that I know there are a lot of new people coming in who would be great for the show I've been working on and I had a sense that I wouldn't be do it come next September.  I found out this week that I'll be working with a show that is basically how I became interested in Frequency to begin with.

Meanwhile, I'm taking guesses as to who the new hires are going to be and getting super excited for the summer.  Nearly four solid months worth of not having a direct responsibility.  The summer idea list keeps growing, but there are very few "chores" that have gotten on it.  Besides applying for study abroad and trying to figure out a pitch for the fall, I'll mostly be catching up on TV, reading and hanging out with friends... in Berlin.  No big deal.  (by which I mean, really-big-i'm-so-excited-i-could-die deal)

Finally everything is falling into place.  Now if I could only finish these papers...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Around Town: Easter Weekend (2/2)

Donuts.  Look yummy.  Taste less.  Oh well.
Part 1

Where did I leave off?  Right.  Sunday.  So, while the farmer's market may not be a tradition, Easter Sunday Resurrection Rolls most certainly are.  Basically they are sugar dough wrapped in marshmallows and when they bake the marshmallow melts leaving the dough hollow on the inside.  Yummy, but almost too sweet if such a thing exists.  Tradition I will carry on to infinity?  I think yes.  Just as soon as I lean how to make them...

Anyway, church this year was a combined service at Davies Symphony Hall. <dork> It was amazing! I always hate that they don't let you sing in concerts, but since this was church I could sing all I wanted.  Sweet.  We sat in orchestra which was indescribably cool other than that I was taking a picture before we started and then a man sat directly in front of me.  </dork>

I am purposely not talking about the camera debacle, but there was one, and these will be the last pictures from this camera for a while.  </idontwanttotalkaboutit>

After church we went home to change clothes and then went to go see/participate in Bring Your Own Big Wheel.  Basically, it's a "race" down one of the steeper hill in the city that includes around seven hairpin turns.  I went down on a tiny plastic motorcycle which was awesome, but did not have a way to steer.  Let's just say I didn't win in the traditional sense.  Or in any sense really.  There's a reason there are no pictures of me in the race.

Home.  Dinner of yummy food that I appreciate more and more the longer I have to feed myself.  The rest of the day was uneventful which was actually probably not good considering that I had (have) so much work to do.  It's beginning to be time for mantras and all-nighters.  I cannot even describe how much I'm not looking forward to that part.

In unrelated news I am still somewhat stunned that I had to break this up in to two posts.  I probably didn't HAVE to, but on some level I'm kind of impressed with myself for being able to eek this out for content... I mean.  I could have...  It was...  I talk too much.
By the way: church was at Davies Symphony Hall.
No big deal.
Sister Emma's pic: Mom at BYOBW.
Sister Emma pic: Me and my not very big wheel.
Sister Emma pic: Trying to get through the BYOBW crowd.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Around Town: Easter Weekend (1/2)

San Francisco airport.
So, in all the craziness that was the past few weeks I completely forgot to share pictures of going home for Easter.  It was absolutely lovely.  I got to see some of my favorite people and do some of my favorite things.  Just enough to tide me over until summer... granted, now "summer" is in two weeks, but still.

I flew in on Thursday night after a crazy day full of Freq Out rehearsals and worrying about getting to the airport.  Thank goodness I got there early because I then found out that my gold status expired last month, so I'm back to being a regular old passenger.  Poo.  I did get to use my backpack for this trip though.  Even if it was probably a bit of overkill.  It's good to use to practice with.

Friday I went to yoga class with my mom.  It was... well, it wasn't the first time I'd done yoga, but I think the last one was a fluke, so this one was better.  Granted I was not at all prepared for it clothing-wise.  Which doesn't explain how I was completely prepared gear-wise for an impromptu climbing session with some youth group friends after the Good Friday Tenebrae service (which was inexplicably held at noon).  Just go with it.

To say that the Saturday morning farmers market is a family tradition might be a bit of a stretch, but it is by far my favorite Saturday breakfast and everyone in my family knows it.  So usually, when I'm there for breakfast they indulge me and we go for a farmer's market breakfast.  Not that they hate it, but I get the sense that when I'm not around they typically go to sit down restaurants with waiters instead of pigeons to take away the leftover food.  Yeah.

In the afternoon I went out to lunch with Trevor & Co. in the sunset.  Just the beginning of the long list of people I miss terribly when I'm away.  We then trekked out to Stonestown for browsing and wandering, waiting far too long for a bus.  Ahh Muni, predictably unpredictable.

Of course then there was Sunday... but this post is getting quite long, so I'll stop here and make this part one of two.  Who knew I was going to have so much to say about a weekend.

Waiting to be picked up.

Pretty lights

Dad at the Farmer's Market.

Emma, before her wanting to kill me stage.
Trevor with the bright red hair.
Taking a picture of myself in the mirror -- lent is over so I can use mirrors again.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Many Way to Get Stuff Done... Or Not

Oh this week.  How do I even describe it?  Quite calmer than last week, but still chaotic in it's own way.  I think that perhaps all the things I was worried about last week were saved up during Freq Out, and then came up this week.  Specifically, I really stressing over next semester's classes and living situation.  Solutions to both have come up, but I can't figure out if they're the right solution.  Anyway... I figured it was time for some links.

On accountability.

I love it when bloggers are willing to talk about the not so fun parts of life.  Not glad that there are not-so-fun parts of life, but... oh you know what I mean.

Loving this quote from Timothy Leary.  And a Proverb about the person I want to be.

Reasons not to give up blogging.

The post I've been waiting for all my life: How to Watch TV and Still Get Stuff Done.  Now to put it into practice...

The argument for Pintrest.  I haven't made the leap yet, but maybe it's on my way.

Yesterday was Paint the Night day for the Kony 2012 campaign.  I'm still not sure how I feel about it, but this letter is thought provoking.

How to Get Unstuck.  Fittingly, I'm writing this post from a Barnes & Noble cafe.

And completely from left field, this post pleases my inner Nancy Drew fan (it's kind of a big part of me).

Lately: I'm on a bit of a Freq Out high in which I love all my co-workers.  I've been really excited for my 21st birthday... in September (in the meantime there will always be Berlin).  I gave a killer presentation in one of my TV classes.  Very excited.  My personal summer reading list is growing -- and taking suggestions!  Booked tickets home for the summer.  Re-applying for my job and hoping for the best.  Anticipating Manifest, the end of the year festival.  If you're in Chicago, come and check it out.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Plan Z

A long time ago on a blog I don't remember (this was before I was bookmarking blogs and keeping track), I read a post about imagining the worst and trying to see how it wouldn't be that bad.  The sermon I heard on Easter Sunday this year talked about how even what we are sure is God's last plan for us, is still a part of His plan and can be used for His glory.  He even used the same phrase, Plan Z.

Plan Z is what happens when nothing you have in mind for your future comes to fruit.  For me that would include not being able to use my degree, moving back in with my parents... but I'm getting ahead of myself.  The reason that you think of Plan Z is so that you can think about what you would do in the meantime.  What would make this worst possible outcome better and somehow not awful.  So here it is, Plan Z.

In my Plan Z I am living in my parents basement in some alternate or possibly future universe where they live in the suburbs.  I hate the suburbs.  I am working in some office job where I do mindless data entry or copying for the majority of an 8 hour day.  Somehow, in getting to Plan Z I was injured in a way that I can't climb anymore.  This means that I spend the work day sitting and sedentary, then go home and am sitting and sedentary because I can't go on adventures like I want to.

Like I said before though, the second part of coming up with Plan Z is figuring out how it doesn't suck.  In Plan Z I cook a lot.  Since I'm living with my parents my Dad and I cook together a lot.  Maybe I take yoga with my Mom.  In Plan Z (in any plan really) I am highly involved with whatever church I am attending.  Possibly more in Plan Z because I want to be doing stuff that's not being at work or sitting at home.  I teach Sunday School, I am a part of a Community Group, I am a mentor, basically I am doing a lot of other fun stuff besides going on adventures.

What is your Plan Z?  And how does it not suck that much?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Somehow I'm An Insider Now

This week has been a bit stressful.  I was working all week pretty much non-stop.  When I signed up for it I thought I would be fine, but it wound up driving me a little bit crazy.  Like taking a nap on one of the prop couches crazy.  Needing to take a walk to Trader Joe's to buy candy crazy.

I love my work.  I love that I get paid for something that I enjoy doing, but I'm not going to pretend that this semester has been easy.  I've dropped the ball on more than a few things, and somewhere in my head I have this idea that I have to have everything done perfectly every time.  While of course that would be nice, I'm starting to realize more and more the difference between what I'm expecting of myself and what others are expecting of me.

My work's big production is called Freq Out.  I have been busy up to my eyeballs getting ready for it nearly every day this week.  I'm solidly a drama girl, but when you spend ten hours on set everyday you learn to find a sense of humor.  Or you try to at least.

All told, we go live tomorrow evening.  Rehearsals are done.  There's nothing left to do, but still miles to go before we hit the ground.  As much as it's been fun, I'm looking forward to it being over.  I've not done any work outside of Freq Out in nearly a week, and I just know it's going to catch up to me very, very soon.  I'm tired of being tired from the ten hour minimum days.  Looking forward to doing homework.

If anyone is interested in watching it live-streaming, the feed will start from HERE at 6pm central time.  There are opening remarks before the actual show gets going, but it's pretty much going to be awesome.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

At The End of The Day

I have been struggling with what to say all day.  How to say it.  Because I cannot go through Easter without at least saying, even to the internet, "He is Risen," and waiting for "He is Risen, Indeed."  But how to broach the subject.  I'm teetering on the edge of talking too much about my faith on my blog.  An edge that some would argue doesn't exist.  Because it's my blog and I can talk about what I want to talk about and if they don't like it they can leave.

But I don't want people to leave.  I know that I have very few followers and I'm accepting of that.  I know that blogging for me is more of a personal pursuit than a professional one right now, but I want to be able to cross that bridge someday and I don't want a reputation of forcing religion on people when that transition happens.  I don't force anyone to listen to me, but at the same time I cannot ignore a huge part of who I am because it's inconvenient for my online persona.

Today I went to church.  This is nothing new for me.  I go to church every week.  But today was special.  Because today was a celebration of what God has done for us in sending His Son.  It's a question of life or death that we get to choose to be either all-encompassing or non-existent.  There is no in-between however much society wants there to be one.

The passage that the sermon I heard this morning was based on (Mark 16:1-8) ends with Mary, Mary and Salome -- a group of women who were followers of Jesus -- fleeing the empty tomb in fear and not telling anyone about what happened because they were afraid.  The man they saw who told them Jesus had risen gave them direct orders to tell everyone, but they were so afraid they said nothing.  I don't want to be that.  I am confident in my God and my faith, but at the end of the day I am still afraid to speak out.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Boys Club

I've posted some before on how much I like to rock climb, but a book I've been reading has made me think about it in a bit of a different way.  The book, a collection of essays (I've been reading quite a few of those lately) is awesome in that it has a huge variety of writing.  Everything, adventure to more run of the mill from all over the world.  The thing that's bothering me is that out of 30 some essays in the book, only two are written by women.

Now, I understand that climbing is a male-dominated sport.  I'm not delusional.  But I do know that there are a lot of women climbers out there, and I'm wondering why more writings from them weren't included.  Of course there could be a myriad of reasons for this in this particular book, but it got me thinking.

Where are the women climbers!?  Pretty much all women climbers I've run into are pretty awesome people, but the representations of them to the rest of the world are practically non-existent.  The whole thing makes me want to spend every spare minute climbing the walls to catch up with the boys.  I want to scream very, very loudly, "I'm a chick and a climber!!  Come hang out with me!!"  The only problem with that is that I'm not a professional climber if-you-know-what-I-mean.  Which brings me back to the wanting to climb all the time to catch up.  It's a vicious cycle.

Monday, April 2, 2012

In Which I Go On About Travel Plans

Now that my plans are a bit more official, I don't feel awkward sharing them.  As of this past week, I am officially going to Berlin, have a place to stay for a month, and am flying out of Rome.  How my friend Allason and I are getting from Berlin to Rome has yet to be established, but that's not the point.  The point is that I'm spending a month rehearsing for a performance, then galavanting around Europe.  I can't even describe my excitement.

I'm flying out on the 4th of July, continuing the not-yet-tradition of flying out of the country on Independence Day, spending a few days on my own before checking in to What Moves You? a Eurythmy conference (eurythmy is quite difficult to explain, simply put it's a dance form with specific movements for music or spoken word, but that definition seems constraining to me).  

The conference is a month worth of rehearsals cumulating in a performance in early August.  The conference is being held at a school in Berlin.  After the performance Allason and I have ten days to make our way down to Rome before heading back to good old San Francisco.

So far I've bought myself a travel book for Berlin and started making marks in it of what I want to do.  Allason and I have brainstormed ideas of what we might do too, but we haven't made any hard and fast decisions yet.  Have I mentioned that I'm excited?  I am.  Quite.  I'm going to be spending a month with some of my favorite people in the world seeing new things and (hopefully) speaking in a language I don't quite understand (My teacher said my pronunciation is getting better though).

Anyone have any ideas?

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Just Breathe

This week is difficult to describe succinctly.  I've been watching a lot of TV.  Which is good.  In a way.  And bad because I get to be a bit overly emotional over television sometimes.  I didn't get done as much homework as I wanted to, but that happens.  I still have this weekend, and I seem to be in the middle of quite the homework party.  And blogging.  We're working on it.

I feel that in some time in the future this post on taking a sabbatical will be helpful in my life.

Travel Guides?  Yes please.  Isreal and London are both on my list, lucky me.

And traveling on the cheep.  Also yes.

I kind of really want to make one of these rope bracelets.

I know I should have shared all Downton Abbey related links weeks ago, but I'm currently working on a paper which requires me to rewatch the entire series (that's right, I spent my spring break watching TV.  For homework.).  Anyway.  Pictures, name generator, and from the NY Times and The Huffington Post.

Also, this makes me mad.  In a good way.

This week I like: situations where it is acceptable to collapse on the ground in exhaustion, booking flights (more on that next week), dinners with friends, and how adult I feel when I finish paying the bills.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

"Don't Underestimate Pluto. Pluto doesn't quit."

In an effort to begin what will be a theme of Television posts and reviews, I've just finished watching Sports Night and want to tell you about it.

Sports Night was an Aaron Sorkin show from 1998 to 2000, and if you don't know yet you'll soon learn that I sort of have a thing for Aaron Sorkin's television.  A thing that was nearly broken with Sports Night, but seems to be back on given how calm I was when it ended.  Anyway, Sports Night is a show about a show.  The show within the show is also called Sports Night.  It's a lot less confusing than it sounds.  The show revolves around the producers and host of a late night sports news show called -- wait for it -- Sports Night.

Casey McCall and Dan Rydell are the on-camera talent who work with producers Dana Witacher, Natalie Hurley, and Jeremy Goodwin, as well as their fearless leader Issac Jaffe.  They get together and don't get together and sometimes they make some television in there somewhere too.

And now I'm going to dive into spoilers, so if you want to watch the show and are bothered by them, stop here.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Getting Ready For A Bumpy Ride

I am slowly trying to get myself back into the swing of things, blogging wise.  I'm devising a plan, and as much as it sometimes frustrates me to be working with the "old system" while devising a new plan, I think it's something that I'm going to have to get used to, as it is something that is done consistently in Television.

So.  Coming up.  A redesign of sorts which may also include a switch in blogging platforms.  A whole section of Travel that will include advice I've gotten, my favorite trips so far, and local travel.  I've got a category of Television in the works.  I can talk about television in an intelligent way, I just need to figure out how that works with blogging.  I'm a TV student for goodness sakes, I should be able to at least give some good suggestions.  Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to show off some of my work on this platform as well.  We'll have to see about that one.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sunshine, Springtime, and School

I know, it's been a while.  I am unapoligetically sorry for the crazy few weeks that have become my life.  Since I last updated there have been parties, late nights, and lots to do.  While I haven't been updating, I have been thinking a lot about how I want to organize my blog and be more consistantly blogging.  Yesterday I sat down with my roommate and we had a chat about it.  She's in a web development class, so she's going to be helping me out with a bloggy revamp.  I'm excited, but a bit nervous as well.  I also don't know what I'm going to do with myself next year without this girl and our late night discussions.  I guess we'll have to conduct them over Skype.  Yup.

Anyway, in the meantime, here is a picture of the sun seting in the South Loop.  Daylight savings time has finally let me see sunsets again, which in turn makes me nostolgic.  This time two years ago I was spending a week in the wilderness, trying to figure out my life.  Springtime is a time for planning.  Planning, reorganizing, and revamping blogs.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fat Tuesday

I've never been quite sure how I feel about lent.  I didn't grow up celebrating it, and even when I did participate I never really got much from it.  I find that there's something terrifying about finding something you would be willing to give up for a month.  To be honest, I still only loosely grasp the idea behind it, but I'm going to take a whack at it nonetheless.  Besides, this will also fulfill my 21 Before 21 goal of going a month without mirrors.  And then I'll do my learning makeup to do on, or immediately following, Easter.  I do like that I have a plan for it.

In any case, this is the last self-portrait in a mirror for a while, and then a picture of the mirror all covered up.  I want to make that vast expanse of white prettier, but we'll see if I get around to it.

In other news, my sister is on her way to my apartment from the airport.  Yay!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Of Stir-fry and Making Things

Guten Tag Freund!  I'm happy to report that I'm finally getting into the routine of the semester... 5 weeks in.  Also, this weekend I'm spending some time at and InterVarsity retreat called Winterfest.  I'm pretty excited for this.  There's a pool there.  Anyway, links of the week.

How to deal with burn out.

Now I want to make stir-fry.

Two Yes and Yes things this week: On making things with your hands and magnetic Polaroid frames.

Speaking of working with your hands, this Guardian article is long, but awesome.

On not letting the adult world take over.

The Freedom Experiment talks about freedom in truth and I couldn't agree more.

This week I like: thinking about summer plans in the theoretical (when I start having to deal with them in the actual they give me headaches), the series finalie of Chuck, Trader Joe's (though the final verdict is still out), and busy days.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Right Now...

excited for the retreat I'm going on.  I get to use my new backpack to pack.  There's a pool at the place we're staying.

glad to be back in a routine.

really liking my paper topics.  Plural.  Because I somehow wound up with three writing intensive classes this semester.

looking forward to my sister coming to town next week.  We're going to have a blast.

going to sleep earlier.

needing to stop worrying about German.  I feel like I'm not learning it, but all the work I'm getting back and such seem to be decent.  Not fluent, but why should I be, I've only just begun.

started the 100 Push-up Challenge.  Not too hard so far, but looking ahead scares me.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Could It Be Love?

Dear TJ's,

I've always been skeptical of you.  You seemed the flight of a school girl's snack time fancy, not a place for true (albeit ameutur) cooks.  But time and time again you were brought up in conversations.  Friends told me to take you out for a spin.  They told me that if I didn't like you then I never had to see you again.  Oh TJ's what a stubborn girl I was!

"When the 'Wish Big Win Big' game is up," I told myself, "I'll give TJ's a try."  The jig is up and today was your day to shine.  I was distracted the whole way to you, TJ's.  I had just blown a fuse and didn't quite know it yet and was feeling quite childish for asking about it.  It was a common walk, but a somewhat nervous one too.

Arriving at your doorstep, I was unsure how to proceed.  Why was I being immediately thrown into the fruits and veggies?  I longed for the familiarity I'd had with my Jewel before.  I wandered, a bit disoriented through the produce aisle.  Grapefruit, yes.  And something to replace mushrooms in a meat pie.  Cauliflower, okay.  And English Muffins.  Or British Muffins, if you say so.  Why must we rush into these things though?  I turn the corner to finally meet my dairy section with a sigh of relief.  Cheese and milk, but where is my Oberweis?  This made me a sad chicken, but I pressed on through the frustration.

Now, meats always give me pause, so I can't entirely blame you TJ's, but I was again dismayed at the choices. Where was the plain chuck steak I needed?  Or a smaller package for those of us not feeding an entire village? For that matter, where was the deli counter?  Choosing a too-large package of beef cubes, I turned away towards the baking section, another moment of confusion.  Where was my powered sugar?  "Not today," One of your crew told me.

After all this frustration and madness (if $3 vanilla beans aren't madness I don't know what is), I made my way to the checkout.  Another crew member cheerfully helped me check out my groceries.  He even packed the bag for me while I swiped my card for a total of $36.20.  I'm sorry, what was that amount?  And then with my cashback added?

The whole walk home I kept staring at my cart.  $36.20!?!?!?!?!?!?  How is this possible.  I must not have bought as much food.  There's no way this is the price tag for the same amount of groceries I normally buy for a week.  I usually pay twice that.  It's because I didn't buy that much meat this week, isn't it?  That must be it.  Because I can't think of another explanation.  I nearly missed my walk signal because I was wracking my brain for another report.

Now, having come home safe, and checked the recipt again, I can think of none.  I can only determine that I must try again.  Double check to make sure.  Parts of me still don't believe it, but something in my soul is wanting to ask...

Trader Joe's will you be my Valentine?

Skeptically Yours,

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Uncreative Title

This week has been non-stop movement and work.  On the bright side I'm getting a lot done.  On the other hand I'm weeks behind on nearly every TV show I watch.

I've been thinking about finances lately, and looking forward to having a real job, thinking of budgeting as a dam or a water tower is such a great metaphor.

Such a pretty bracelet.

A friend of mine made a list of everyday thing to enjoy.

Ideas of what to get the person who has everything.  There is more than chocolate and for that I'm impressed.

My roommate and I had a hankering for cake this week.  That is all.

It is only with this article that I realized that my "Learn how to apply make-up" to do and my "Spend a month not looking in the mirror" to do are quite contradictory.

Homemade deodorant anyone?  I can't decide how I feel about that.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Right Now...

finally catching up on all my television shows.  Well, most.  I'm up to date on Fringe, and nearly caught up with Downton Abbey.  !!!!

working, working, working.

knitting a second blue hat for a friend.  I'm going to send it to her and we'll have matching hats in separate cities.  I'm oddly excited about this.

needing to go to sleep earlier than I have been.  Somehow I don't see it happening.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Of Routines and Adjustments

As the semester continues and I become more overwhelmed, I am trying ever so desperately to get back into a routine.  A system of doing, finishing, and consistently working.  For some reason in my head that was going to be easier with a more steady job, but that's pretty much a flat out lie.  Even now I'm realizing that I forgot to change the laundry.

Honestly, how do people do it.  A job, school, and a life.  Can the three actually co-exist?  I'm beginning to believe in the "choose two" charts that I'm always seeing.

I think what I need more that a weekly routine though, is a daily routine.  I need to know that I will be able to write in the morning and have my quite time when I get home for the day.  I want to establish these as actual and true habits so that even when my schedule is out of whack I can still hold these things true.  I'm still trying to figure out how blogging fits into that, but it seems to be going alright so far.

*Rachel looks at the clock only to realize that it is just past midnight.  It is much later than she thought it was.*

Well, that failed.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Of Filming and Hand-Knits

Just wanted to share a few pictures of the week with you.  Last week was crazy busy.  I was busy on my day off busy, and this week is shaping up to be the same.  This semester is getting more tiring by the minute.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Of Traveling and Knitting

Lots going on for me this week.  I feel like I've been going non-stop and yet still have a huge pile of things to do.  Not that I mind, I like being busy, it's just that my roommate has far surpassed where I am in Buffy and it's a little annoying.

I keep hearing about traveling with children despite the fact that I don't have any, nor am I going to have any for quite some time, but this article is a new perspective.

More travel in the form of travel resolutions.

On learning to love yourself.

I love school and my part time job, but I still found these 6 Ways to Survive Your Day Job amusing.

Anyone willing to try a screen-free challenge with me?

This week I love: knitting, long (somewhat) intellectual conversations, Skype, having no free time, future tripping, and learning make-up.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The world of _ vs. _

I seem to have accidentally gotten into a camera showdown with my roommate the other day.  She's  a Canon Girl and my fingers have never known anything but Nikon.  I was checking out her camera and she was explaining all the things she loved about it.  I was curious, and wound up bringing mine in for a side-by-side comparison.  I hope she didn't take it the wrong way, because I know she loves her camera, and I love my camera.  They're just really different beasts.  Everything from the way the body's settings adjust to the way the lenses move.

Here's the thing though, and this is true for a lot of things, neither one is better.  People get into arguments good over evil, and they're discussing things like Mac verses Windows.  Cat verses dogs.  Pirates verses Ninjas.  And if we really look at it we can see that none of that is really constructive.  It just pits people against each other and makes enemies out of people who otherwise might be really good friends.

People are different.  Unique.  That's the way the world works.  And if it wasn't then we would all be the same and the world would be boring.  But you know that.  You've heard it a thousand times.  Our freedom of choice is what makes us human and what, in turn, binds us together as humans.

Hmm, that got a little preachy-er than I intended it to, but the point remains.  I am going to go and do some chores and homework and get on with this day I have because I'm actually fantastically excited to be getting so much done so early in the day.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Technology is Jealous

This is a few days late, but I'm going to post it anyway.  My computer seems to have overheard a conversation my roommate and I were having about future computer purchases.  I was picture these future purchases to be quite a ways in the future, but it appears I may have been mistaken.  I guess we'll have to see how things work out.  But without further ado...

This time lapse video is awesome.

On owning the things you like.

Amy has some Words of Wisdom for the days when you're not feeling so fine.

Some thoughts on Boy Scouts.

So, this article made me think harder about all the times guys tell me to smile.  I think next time I'll hit them with my purse.  Also, I need to get on that self defense class.

This week I like: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (especially David Boreanaz), sleep, walking to work down Michigan Avenue, Once Upon a Time, leftovers, and friends who buy me food.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Right Now...

greatly enjoying organizing everything for school.  I can't even explain how much I love organization.  I am going to have to show you at some point.

watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  I'm loving everything about Whedon-'verse.  Don't get me wrong, I totally understand why my mom didn't want me watching it, but I do love it so.

trying to figure out how to talk to people who aren't having as good a time as I am in college.  It occurred a few times over break and for some reason is coming up in full force now.

calling people on Skype.  Even though my webcam dosen't seem to want to work.  Speaking of technology...

being hated by technology.  My computer hasn't turned on in two days, the only time I'm on the computer is at work.  Granted, when I'm not in class or at work it has been nice to just chill out and watch tv.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Proper Dinner?

I have been wanting to have a proper dinner party for a while.  It's even on my 21 Before 21 list.  I don't really consider this a proper dinner party.  There were no invitations.  There were no RSVPs, but it was a sit down meal which is a step in the right direction.

There are no people in these pictures, but there were people there I promise.  I'm just not sure that the people who were there would like me to post their pictures.  I know them, but they are more Emma's friends than mine.  Sort of.  But we don't have to get into my whole I don't really know who is my friend in college issues, that seems like a post for another time.

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

21 Before 21: Skipping Class and Going Out for Breakfast

I decided that the more important part of this task was the going out to breakfast, and not necessarily skipping class.  My roommate and I went out for breakfast before our Wednesday class last semester.  I didn't take any pictures, but my roommate did.  They are on her blog, HERE.

It was fun to be able to get out bright and early.  I haven't had a meal like that in a long time, and probably wont have another in an even longer time.  I used to go out to breakfast with my dad every other Saturday (I would switch off with my sister), but that tradition has collapsed with our move to San Francisco, and the new tradition of going to the Farmer's Market for breakfast.  Don't get me wrong, I love that tradition too.  I just don't get diner food as often anymore.  Now that I think about it, that might not be a bad thing.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Picture Unrelated

There was this one time, my sister and I were watching Buffy and we wanted to go upstairs to get a snack.  We paused the DVD and this was the result.  Needless to say that there are multiple pictures.  Sometimes, she or I will make this face (or attempt to anyway) at each other when the other isn't expecting it.  We'll both crack up laughing.  We are awesome.
I spent last night eating far too much food at a gathering of friends.  I am so glad to be spending time with friends already this year and I just hope so much that I'll be able to keep it up this semester.  For now it is wonderful to spend time with people under no pressure of a projects needing doing, or homework to attend to.  I keep feeling like I should have something philosophical to say about school staring again, but I have no tidbits.  Of wisdom or otherwise.  School is school.  It's where I want to be right now and I don't care if that makes me a nerd.  In fact, all the better.

Today is the first day of classes for me.  I packed myself a lunch and got my backpack ready last night.  I also start work in a more official capacity this week which is exciting.  Not sure how much I'll be in this space in the coming days, but hopefully I'll be able to stop by and say hello.  In the meantime, I hope there are some people enjoying the snow as much as I am.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

How Have I Never Known?

Lots going on this week.  in my world and in internet world.  Some of my favorites...

My roommate gets back from winter break this weekend and I can't wait to show her this time lapse video of travels.  She'll also love this video about a solo trek across Iceland that seems to have been making bloggy round this week.

Some tips on blogging from Cam of Campfire Chic.

Four things to love about winter.

Five ways to fuel your dreams, and forty-eight things to be grateful about, both from The Freedom Experiment.

I may be a bit of a nerd, but I think this map that tells you what food is in season in your state is pretty awesome.

You guys.  Chai cookies.  How have I never known these existed until now?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Right Now...

gearing up for a new semester.  Buying textbooks, getting oriented in my new job, mentally preparing for schedules  routines, and homework.

meeting with people to plan for shows I'm working on this year.

cooking up a storm, in part because of a cooking blog I have in the works.  I'm not sure what it's future is, but I'll keep you guys in the loop.

finally getting back into a rhythm of blogging.

hopeful about plans being made this semester for the coming months and years.  Trips, gigs, and money-making all in the foreseeable future.

excited that it's getting cold.  I'm abnormal like that.

This week I like: cooking, Downton Abbey, impromptu Once Upon a Time parties, taking care of my kitty, skype, and my Google Reader.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Of Wool, Flannel, and Downton

This week I moved back to Chicago for school.  My roommate and I don't like to turn the heat on in our apartment to save money.  When the roommate is home this leads to long chats in the living room where we wind up eating ice cream because we've forgotten that it's cold.  When I'm home alone?  Not so much.  My mom's advice would be to "Put a sweater on", but sometimes that doesn't do much.  Once the seasons change and the temperature heats up, that will be all that's necessary.  In the meantime, here are some of the things I've been doing to keep from shivering.

1. Make Tea.  This is one of the more obvious ones, but certainly not wrong.  For me this is two-fold.  I get warm tea that is delicious and awesome AND when I'm really cold I'll stand over the kettle as I wait for the water to boil, soaking in the heat from the stove.  After which I'll go right back to the internet surfing, blanket wearing mode that I was in before tea was made.

2.  Cook or Bake.  Again, not the more original, but effective.  Along with the warm things eating, and the using of the stove, this one also gets you moving.  Movement means blood flow, means warmth.  That, and being holed up somewhere endlessly is much more enjoyable with a batch of brownies or a bowl of soup.  Or both.  And tea.

3.  Fold Warm Laundry.  Tell me I'm not the only one who will run the dryer again for five minutes to heat up the clothes/sheets/whatever that's in there so you can get the awesomeness of folding warm laundry.

4.  Curl Up and Watch TV.  I've found that what I really need when I'm cold is to be able to focus on something else.  Grab a blanket and the remote and cozy up for that NCIS marathon.  Or Friends if that's more your speed.  Whatever you watch, the more engaging the better, and you'll simply forget the cold.

5.  Get Some Exercise.  Pretty much the opposite of the last one, but once again with the movement, blood flow, and warmth thing.  Weather you play DDR on you Xbox or go run the treadmill in the shifty-looking exercise room in your apartment building, working up a sweat will make the cold less so.

6.  Wool.

7.  Leave the House.  Chances are that if it's cold in your apartment, it's colder outside.  That means that if you go outside and come back in, then the inside will feel warm by comparison.  Right?  This may work best if you walk to your destination as it offers you the most time spent outside in the cold.

8.  Invite a Friend Over.  Having someone else around doubles the body heat in the space, and also gives you something else to other than think about how cold it is.

9.  Go to Bed.  When all else fails, I've definitely gone to bed very early and/or stayed in bed very late.  What can I say?  Sometimes layers of flannel sound a lot better than a fifth cup of tea within an hour.  And not that I'm especially proud of this, but there was one time last week that I by the time I got out of bed the street lights were on.

This week a friend of mine is coming over for dinner.  We're going to be making lasagna and watching Downton Abbey (anyone else excited for the US premiere?  Bueller?).

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Around Town: Friends and Newness

The Embarcadero at Christmas time.

Just a collection of pictures taken over winter break.  Soaking up San Francisco, spending time with friends, and getting ready for the newness of the coming semester.

The roommate took me out to sushi.

Waiting for the fireworks on New Year's Eve.

Monday, January 9, 2012


I've been thinking about what I want to be doing with this blog in the space of a new year.  Thinking about things that I can change and things that I want to improve.  I'm not usually one of the New Year's Resolution types, I prefer to set goals regardless of the time of year.  Blogging has been one of my long term goals though, and I am enjoying it.  I was thinking about the name I chose for my blog and the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it didn't say much about what I want this space to be.  So I've changed the name and the tag line.  It's still going to be the same topics and such, but I'm thinking a new name and header will keep things fresh.  So here we go.  Welcome to Everyday Beauty.  A place where I talk about the little things that make life awesome.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Day Late... Oops

It's been a quiet week for me, both in real life and on the blog... sorry 'bout that.  I'm settling back in to life in Chicago.  Mostly this involves layers, a lot of walking, and a very messy room.

Sal talks about how to dress up when others are dressing down.

Looking forward to making these chicken pot pies at some point in the near future.

As one of my new year's resolutions is to be more consistent with blogging, I feel like these suggestions will be put into use soon.

Get what you want.

Amazing house made of found objects.

As a kid I wanted to be a cartographer.  Then I realized that it involved math.  All that to say that this map of the United States is awesome.

I found this video awesomely inspiring.
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This week I love: long conversations with friends, having the apartment to myself, taking pictures with my new-to-me camera, Once Upon A Time, Sherlock, Downton Abbey, Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Netflix, and how my kitty is a bed hog.