nostalgic of Thanksgiving. It's always my favorite holiday and this year has been no exception.
tearing up over the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. I don't know why I get so emotional over this parade. I love parades. Yesterday I watched bits of the Chicago parade from out my window while eating breakfast. It was beautiful.
dreaming -- for no particular reason at all -- what life will be like after school. I know I will never be done learning, but I wonder what form learning will take. I also rue the day where I don't have to do homework at night and can just sit at home and watch television.
planning for next semester. I'm applying for on campus jobs, and recently registered for classes. Organizing myself for more organizing and planning for studying abroad which will be happening a year from next spring if all goes as planned.
feeling thankful. For all the family and friends that I didn't get to see yesterday, and for the one's that I did see.
"baking". It feels wrong to say that making peppermint bark is baking, but I can't quite think of what other verb to use in that situation.
to feel a lot like Christmas. Breaking out the Charlie Brown Christmas
music and making lists of who needs presents and things that need
getting ready for Chicago Tardis! I can only afford to go Saturday, but I'm super excited. My old roommate and I are going together and we're getting together to make costumes today. I am planning on creating a masquerade mask from paper plates and construction paper. It's going to be awesome. Expect pictures.
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