Saturday, July 23, 2011

Links Post

Alex of Unicorns for Socialism has compiled a collection of quotes and drawings asking Who told you that you were unworthy?

Recently I decided that I need more square silk scarves in my life.  These would do nicely.

A Day in the Life of a Modern San Franciscan.

Also, awesome snack ideas.

And, because I've been reading far too much fanfiction this past week (not to mention the fact that I'm a huge nerd), a picture guide to actors who have been in the Harry Potter movies and been on Doctor Who.  You're welcome.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

It Has To Be Done

I wasn't going to do a Harry Potter post.  I really wasn't.  Only, now it's 1 in the morning and I've been on Tumblr for hours.  I think this sort of has to be done because how else am I going to get past it?  The short version: I got there at 6:30 and didn't get home til 4, and I wouldn't change it for the world.  From waiting in line for ages, all the way through unexpected friends and a crowded bus ride.  (Spoilers under the cut)

Thursday, July 14, 2011


About my favorite thing to do in the world is check everything off of my to do list.  Making the to do list and finishing the to do list.  Sometimes the actual doing of whatever is on the list isn't as fun, but checking it off the list makes it so much better.  There is such satisfaction in seeing little check marks next to a whole column of things that I've done, books that I've read, even tv shows that I've watched.  Half the reason I set goals is so that I can check them off my to do list.

To do list are (of course) kept in planners.  I've had a planner since I started third grade and it's probably my favorite thing in the world.  Each week has a page with a column per day to write a massive to do list in.  My planner is the only thing that helps me to remember what needs to get done and reminds me what that phone number is, and what my student id number is when I forget.  Newspaper article to give to a friend: paper clipped into my planner.  Record locator for my flight home: written on the day of the flight.  Random quote of the week: came with the planner.

On another note, I'm a huge fan of post it notes.

How do you keep yourself organized?

Monday, July 11, 2011

20 Before 20: Take a Hike

This one was so easy, but it took so long for me to get around to it I was almost afraid it wouldn't get done.  My parent's are going to climb half dome at the end of the summer and in preparation Mom and I have been going on hikes.  Sort of.  So far we've only gone on two.  Better than none though.

In looking more and more at the number of posts that I have to do for my 20 Before 20 project I'm realizing that I'm not going to be able to write a post on all of them before my birthday (September 13) without feeling crowded.  So, I'm going to choose some of the best ones that I've done and then the rest will be summarized in a larger post closer to my birthday.  There will be a handful that don't get done which will be the basis for my 21 Before 21 list that I've already started writing.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Around the World: Montreal

This past weekend was a whirlwind trip to Montreal with my family.  We ate yummy food at farmers markets, and had way too much gelato.  We traipsed all over the city, shopping, wandering, searching for maple flavored things, taking public transit (my favorite thing about almost any city), and going to a concert at the Basilica next to our hotel.

While we were there I thought about the most Candaian thing I could possibly buy.  I landed on a winter jacket.  Of course.  In the middle of summer.  We were the only ones in the store.  We felt a little foolish.  I regret nothing.

I came home on Monday evening to be able to go to my summer class on Tuesday afternoon.  I spent way too long in the Chicago O'Hare airport doing homework.  It's actually kind of weird that I spent so much time there while I sort of live there.  Oh well, that's a thought for another post.

Anyway, some pictures from my trip.  Amazing how I thought I took so many pictures, and yet I have so few that I'm actually happy with.  Boo.  Oh well.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July everyone!

Ironically when I went through my pictures to find something patriotic to use for this post the only ones that even slightly qualified were taken in another country.  Fail.

Interestingly enough I'm actually flying back to San Francisco from Montreal today, so I wont really be celebrating.  It's alright though, fireworks in San Fran aren't much to look at (too much fog).  Instead, let's list some of our favorite things about the good old USA.

-TV shows like The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Law &Order and pretty much any good old American TV
-jeans and plaid (I know that neither of these were made in the US, but they're American to me)
-Cowboy hats
-a Pioneering Spirit
-Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream

I'm sure there's more, but for now that's all I can think of.  Feel free to add on in the comments and let me know of ones that I've forgotten.  And don't worry, pictures from my trip will be coming up a little later this week.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

And I'm Off

I was told once that I'm not allowed to say that I'm a world traveler if the only country outside of the United States I've been to is Canada.  Well, I'm not claiming to be a world traveler (yet), but by the time you read this I will be on my way to Canada.

Going to Canada has been my sisters dream vacation for the past I don't even know when.  This is really her vacation.  In fact, I'm not even going on the whole vacation.  While I come home to San Francisco on Monday, the rest of the family goes on to Quebec (we'll be flying into and staying in Montreal).  It should be fun, interesting to be traveling with my whole family.  I can't even remember the last time that happened.

See you on Monday!