This week has been full of playing with my new toys, seeing friends, and trying sushi. It seems in the blogging world that there has been a lot of planning and resolving for the new year. New Year's is a strange holiday to me in that it never quite feels like a holiday, but that's a subject for another time.
If you're in need of some last minute resolution ideas, here are 5 Suggestions.
I will be making this Chicken Pot Pie at some point when I get back to Chicago.
This old Yes and Yes post in which Sarah Von imagines dressing as her heritage made me smile.
I will probably get one of these National Parks Passports because I'm outdoorsy like that. Or at least I like to think I am. Admittedly, I only discovered these existed because I've recently started following Campfire Chic.
How To Steal Like and Artist. It's a bit long, but absolutely inspirational.
This week I like: rock climbing, Fringe, driving to parties in Marin, making vague plans of seeing old friends abroad, intellectual conversations that turn trivial in two seconds flat.
Hope you had a good week. See you all next year!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Right Then
{This week instead of doing a Right Now post I'm doing Right Then as an end of the year reflection. Hope you like it.}
I tried to spend my time more wisely this year and was continuously trying to see where I could be doing things that would better myself. I'm not sure that this directly lead to more activity, but I think it did make me more aware of the ways that I could be wasting my time less. It's a start at least.
I took on more responsibility this year, work-load-wise and financially. It was really comforting to be able to say that I feel prepared for being financially independent. I know that I'm nowhere near that now, but I'm working with the stepping stones of it. I also feel more confident in my ability to keep house. It's strange how domestic I am sometimes, but I really like having a nice place to live in.
I started planning and organizing differently. I've always been a pretty organized person, but when I moved into the new apartment in Chicago I kind of took it to a whole new level. This has lead to more health contentiousness and more budget contentiousness. Awesome.
I learned a lot about myself and how I deal with leadership (not well) by being a leader in InterVarsity. I didn't really talk about the process and reasons for me leaving on this blog, and may never quite be comfortable enough to explain it on here, but suffice to say I learned a lot and grew in my faith and in knowing myself.
Overall I'm really happy with 2011, and I'm looking forward to what 2012 will bring. Travel, planning, new projects, and new possibilities are all on the horizon. Bring it on.
I tried to spend my time more wisely this year and was continuously trying to see where I could be doing things that would better myself. I'm not sure that this directly lead to more activity, but I think it did make me more aware of the ways that I could be wasting my time less. It's a start at least.
I took on more responsibility this year, work-load-wise and financially. It was really comforting to be able to say that I feel prepared for being financially independent. I know that I'm nowhere near that now, but I'm working with the stepping stones of it. I also feel more confident in my ability to keep house. It's strange how domestic I am sometimes, but I really like having a nice place to live in.
I started planning and organizing differently. I've always been a pretty organized person, but when I moved into the new apartment in Chicago I kind of took it to a whole new level. This has lead to more health contentiousness and more budget contentiousness. Awesome.
I learned a lot about myself and how I deal with leadership (not well) by being a leader in InterVarsity. I didn't really talk about the process and reasons for me leaving on this blog, and may never quite be comfortable enough to explain it on here, but suffice to say I learned a lot and grew in my faith and in knowing myself.
Overall I'm really happy with 2011, and I'm looking forward to what 2012 will bring. Travel, planning, new projects, and new possibilities are all on the horizon. Bring it on.
right now,
what's next
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Around Town: Climbing SFMoMA
I've got climbing on the brain. After a trip to Sports Basement last week all I can think of is when I'll get a chance to climb again. I haven't been since October, and I'm really itching to go. This lead to a lengthy discussion of instillation piece that's in the atrium of SFMoMA with my Grandpa. I'm still a little puzzled as to the exact logistics of how it was done, but I think it's one of the coolest things there.
Of course, the exhibit we went to see, on Richard Serra's drawings, was no photography allowed. I was a little ticked, but it was still a great exhibit. Richard Serra is one of my favorite artists, because he forces you to experience his work, not just see it. This showcase of his early work was a bit different then what I'm used to, but it was beautiful nonetheless. One room in particular had two black canvases stretching to the ceiling. When you enter the room completely you can feel the walls grow around you. So cool.
These pictures are just general around the museum pictures. Mostly the aforementioned instillation piece, and the sculpture garden.
Of course, the exhibit we went to see, on Richard Serra's drawings, was no photography allowed. I was a little ticked, but it was still a great exhibit. Richard Serra is one of my favorite artists, because he forces you to experience his work, not just see it. This showcase of his early work was a bit different then what I'm used to, but it was beautiful nonetheless. One room in particular had two black canvases stretching to the ceiling. When you enter the room completely you can feel the walls grow around you. So cool.
These pictures are just general around the museum pictures. Mostly the aforementioned instillation piece, and the sculpture garden.
around town,
rock climbing,
San Francisco
Monday, December 26, 2011
Discovery: Once Upon a Time
People have been asking me all semester, have I been watching Once Upon A Time. Well... no. Based on the previews I figured that it would be overrated, and over budget. I assumed that by now it would have already been canceled, and I wasn't too upset over it. I was more interested in Grimm, NBC's response to the fairy tale that seemed more normal to me.
During the last few weeks of school I was implored over and over that I really must watch it. People who know my taste were telling me that I would love it. I was still reluctant, but figured that so many people couldn't be too far off base. So I dipped a toe in when I went to a friend's house for dinner. We watched the pilot. Then the second episode. I was very much so impressed.
First of all it was great to see Jennifer Morrison again. She was one of the reasons I loved House as much as I did, and her smaller role in it was probably one of the factors in my giving up on the show. It was nice to see her as more of a key player. I think she did a great job and I can't wait to see more.
Can't wait to see more is the overwhelming feeling for this show that I wasn't planning on liking to begin with. I guess I can't help it. I think the idea is solid and workable, but I will admit I'm getting slightly confused. The stories, especially in their fairy tale versions, are getting mixed up in my mind. Is David/Charming the character from Snow White? Or is he the dragon-fighter in the King Midas version? Or both? How? As much as I like that they have plenty of different places to go, I'm also really hoping they have a plan. Will it end neatly? I know that's probably not what I'm supposed to be thinking so early in the game, but I can't help but wonder.
To some extent I don't even mind. The whole show is a thing of beauty. Between the intricate details of fairy land, and the spot on small town feel of Storybrooke, Maine, I don't care if I ever go back (Yes, I sort of used a baseball metaphor right there. Moving on.). The details and thought put into everything brings me completely into their world. And their wardrobes! I'm usually not one for medieval dress, but these costumes are beautiful. And the modern costumes too! I want Mary Margaret's closet. Peasant tops, A-line skirts, I'm taking notes people, believe me.
Over all I think it's fabulous. The characters are true, and very well played. It's absolutely beautiful, and double-worldly and twistedly wonderful. And that cliff-hanger! Let's just say that between this show, Sherlock, and Downton Abbey all returning in January, I'm very much looking forward to the new year.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
This IS my Vacation (Links Post)
When I'm in school I don't ever have time to scroll far enough in Tumblr to see something I've seen before. While I'm home on vacation this happens multiple times a day. To me, vacation means the time to actually read everything in my google reader, and then laze around the house in my PJ's making cookies. Maybe not glamorous, but good enough for me. This results in a larger links post. I'm pretty okay with that.
If you're more of a party person then I am perhaps these hair tutorials would be timely.
With New Year's just around the corner, it's about time to be thinking of Resolutions. Perhaps filch some ideas from these lovely ladies, who are far ahead of me in planning.
I plan to make one of these in the near future.
And with all my new camera testing I will have to find a time to give this tutorial a shot.
I remember reading this guide to taking care of yourself sometime closer to when it was originally posted, but I found it again the other day, and am now thinking of how I'm going to incorporate some of the tricks into my life next semester. That's the plan at least.
A few ideas for traveling.
On the art nerd side of things: that happened.
A sweet story about being kind to strangers.
This article on friendships is something I hope to take with me into the new year, growing the friendships that build me up, and checking in on the ones that may tear me down.
An answer to the whole, "Do they know it's Christmas?" debacle.
This week I love: Once Upon A Time (more on this at a later point in time), tea, cookies, Richard Serra drawings at SFMOMA, having clean teeth, spending time with old friends, and watching the stack of presents under the tree grow whilst wondering what's inside them.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.
If you're more of a party person then I am perhaps these hair tutorials would be timely.
With New Year's just around the corner, it's about time to be thinking of Resolutions. Perhaps filch some ideas from these lovely ladies, who are far ahead of me in planning.
I plan to make one of these in the near future.
And with all my new camera testing I will have to find a time to give this tutorial a shot.
I remember reading this guide to taking care of yourself sometime closer to when it was originally posted, but I found it again the other day, and am now thinking of how I'm going to incorporate some of the tricks into my life next semester. That's the plan at least.
A few ideas for traveling.
On the art nerd side of things: that happened.
A sweet story about being kind to strangers.
This article on friendships is something I hope to take with me into the new year, growing the friendships that build me up, and checking in on the ones that may tear me down.
An answer to the whole, "Do they know it's Christmas?" debacle.
This week I love: Once Upon A Time (more on this at a later point in time), tea, cookies, Richard Serra drawings at SFMOMA, having clean teeth, spending time with old friends, and watching the stack of presents under the tree grow whilst wondering what's inside them.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Right Now....
playing bloggy catch-up after my break for finals.
celebrating quite a few things. I got the job I wanted for next semester (though nervousness is beginning to take over), and I got in to a conference I applied to for this summer which means I'm going to be spending a month in Germany.
happy to be home. San Francisco is home to fog, farmers markets, cable cars, and me.
seeing a lot of old friends.
planning on how I'm going to be using some of the presents I'm going to be getting (*ahem*rockclimbinggear*cough*).
spending time with family. My Grandpa is hear to visit for the week, and my sister is fun to hang out with when she comes out of her room.
planning on how I'm going to be using some of the presents I'm going to be getting (*ahem*rockclimbinggear*cough*).
spending time with family. My Grandpa is hear to visit for the week, and my sister is fun to hang out with when she comes out of her room.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
'Tis The Season
That being said, I also believe that there is a time and a place for religion, and Christmas falls under one of those times. So, I will come out, tell you what I believe, and that can be the end of that. Or the beginning, but that's more up to you guys.
I believe that Jesus is God's son who came to earth as a sacrifice for our sins. I believe in the whole bit, the virgin Mary, the wise men, and the shepherds out in the field nearby. I know that we live in a broken world, and I believe that Jesus came to put a stop to it. I believe that's something to celebrate. I believe in the forgiveness of sins, and in everlasting life in heaven. I think there might be some credit to those conspiracy theories, but that's probably a conversation best had in person.
Three more days till Christmas. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
We Smell Like Smoke
My friend Brittany's birthday was this weekend and so a bunch of us hung out at the beach, made a bonfire, and ate hot dogs and s'mores. We watched the sunset and we were all taking pictures of everything. Oh, the Waldorf children that we are.
This was the first time I've used this camera, it's a 6-year-old Nikon D50. My dad got it for my mom as a present, but it was one of those presents that you say is for the other person, but is really for you. When he upgraded, my sister laid claim to it, as I was uninterested at the time. I commandeered it for while I'm home and may even take it with me back to Chicago. Though, it doesn't seem to want to let me adjust the settings, so I'll have to get it checked out before I drag it all the way back.
This was the first time I've used this camera, it's a 6-year-old Nikon D50. My dad got it for my mom as a present, but it was one of those presents that you say is for the other person, but is really for you. When he upgraded, my sister laid claim to it, as I was uninterested at the time. I commandeered it for while I'm home and may even take it with me back to Chicago. Though, it doesn't seem to want to let me adjust the settings, so I'll have to get it checked out before I drag it all the way back.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Better Late Than Never* (Links Post)
This weekend has been spent hanging out with my friends from high school, going to the farmers market with the fam, and taking lots of pictures. There's something wonky with my my sister's camera that I am in need of fixing, so hopefully I will have some of the pictures up later this week.
In case of any last minute office holiday parties, let this chart be your guide.
I just found out that I will be going on a trip to Germany this summer. Cheers! If you're planning any big trips for the near or somewhat distant future, this guide may come in handy. I know I'll be using it.
25 clever tricks including wrapping paper storage, cord labeling, and ice cream cone cakes. Awesome.
Because biking is cool. Especially if you're a girl in India.
This week I love: the 6-year-old camera I'm borrowing from my sister (she says I can take it back to Chicago with me), Nancy Drew Games, warm socks, being done with finals, being home in San Francisco, my church, and having all my Christmas shopping done already.
What will you guys be up to this week?
*I am going to try to have a regular link post, I was hoping to get it out Sunday, but it wound up being Monday instead. Next time.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Finals Week!
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This is how excited I am that it's almost time for me to go home! |
All that being said, it IS finals week and I should probably go do some studying for those exams tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be back with you guys on Friday, if not, I'll see you next week.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Right Now...
excited beyond belief to go home to San Francisco in two weeks. Is that all? It seems like so much longer.
slightly embarassed that I wound up writing a paper a whole week early fo my Monday class. Whoops. Oh well, now I don't have to worry about it.
ecstatic that I can go the weekend with minimal studying. I have three exams, but all papers are done.
looking forward to this weekend's plan. I'm going ice skating and then visiting the Chicago Christmas Market.
amazed at how positive this post is turning.
a little anxious about buying Christmas presents for family. Thankfully I have a few checked off already.
cold. We generally keep the heat off in our apartment to keep costs down, so if I get cold the best way to warm up is to cook something warm. Unfortunately, that's not quite an option when you're knee deep into a research paper. At 1am.
slightly embarassed that I wound up writing a paper a whole week early fo my Monday class. Whoops. Oh well, now I don't have to worry about it.
ecstatic that I can go the weekend with minimal studying. I have three exams, but all papers are done.
looking forward to this weekend's plan. I'm going ice skating and then visiting the Chicago Christmas Market.
amazed at how positive this post is turning.
a little anxious about buying Christmas presents for family. Thankfully I have a few checked off already.
cold. We generally keep the heat off in our apartment to keep costs down, so if I get cold the best way to warm up is to cook something warm. Unfortunately, that's not quite an option when you're knee deep into a research paper. At 1am.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
It's Not Hard To Feel Like A Badass... When It's 32 degrees
Last week I went rollerblading.
I always talk on and on about how I don't want to let the weather stop from doing things outside. I was thinking about this while on my way home one night last week, while thinking about how much I miss rollerblading. Then I got to thinking, why am I letting the temperature stop me?
So Friday morning I got up, put on my long johns and a sweatshirt, and went off on my adventure. SO AWESOME! There's something about being out on an empty trail and not being able to feel your fingers that makes you feel like you're on top of the world.
And yes, it was cold. Very cold. But at the same time it was beautiful. Beautiful in an eerie sort of way. On my way South I got to ride down my favorite hill without even slowing down for potential run ins with other humans. There was no one there to hit. Turning back South I got to see the city skyline, and try to figure out what I think about the new Roosevelt Building being added to it.
I wish I could say I had pictures. But alas, I'm sort of terrified of taking my camera with me. It's sort of difficult anyway because of minimal pocket-age.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Right Now...
nervous, but confident about my job interview next week. I think I'm going to get it, but the interview and application process is still a little nerve wracking.
beginning to get into the Christmas Spirit. Ever so slightly. I bought a chocolate advent calendar for December which makes me happy. Looking for other ways to celebrate advent as well.
feeling the weight of the end of the semester. I have a final paper to write in a week (it's my own fault for procrastinating), a few projects to do, and exams to study for.
thankful of my nerdiness allowing me to not study too much, but still get decent grades. I go over my notes a few times, but I have never needed intense studying to get grades that I'm happy with. I was even on the honor roll first semester (not sure that's ever going to happen again). Hopefully I didn't just curse everything.
trying to figure out how to share work I've done in order to keep myself accountable, and be able to show off thing's I'm proud of, while at the same time not having to deal with copyright stuff. Ideas welcome!
beginning to get into the Christmas Spirit. Ever so slightly. I bought a chocolate advent calendar for December which makes me happy. Looking for other ways to celebrate advent as well.
feeling the weight of the end of the semester. I have a final paper to write in a week (it's my own fault for procrastinating), a few projects to do, and exams to study for.
thankful of my nerdiness allowing me to not study too much, but still get decent grades. I go over my notes a few times, but I have never needed intense studying to get grades that I'm happy with. I was even on the honor roll first semester (not sure that's ever going to happen again). Hopefully I didn't just curse everything.
trying to figure out how to share work I've done in order to keep myself accountable, and be able to show off thing's I'm proud of, while at the same time not having to deal with copyright stuff. Ideas welcome!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
21 Before 21: Finish a Knitting Project
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Wearing my new scarf. Scraggly ends and all. |
One thing I was really surprised with was the conversations that took place while I was knitting. For some reason a college kid pulling out a half-knit scarf really throws people and can easily wind up in a philosophical discussion about women's roles, religion, or Amish people. Interesting.
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